CrossFit seems really intense; do I need to get in shape before starting?
CrossFit is challenging, but anyone can do it! And when we say anyone, we mean anyone! CrossFit is “universally scalable”, which means we will tailor each one of our workouts to make sure they fit your fitness level when you come into a class. We have athletes that come straight from collegiate athletics, and grandparents that come straight from the rocking chair!
I am a woman, and I am afraid I will get bulky doing CrossFit, will the happen?
NO! If anything, CrossFit produces what most women are hoping to gain from a fitness program, which is weight loss and muscle tone!
What does "WOD" mean?
This is an abbreviation for “workout of the day.”
I have heard that CrossFit is unsafe, is that true?
There is proven data to support the fact that CrossFit is just as safe (if not more so) as all the fitness routines out there! However, within CrossFit gyms, what makes all the difference is the level of quality and experience in the coaching you receive to ensure you’re doing all of your workouts with safe and efficient technique. Our coaches at CFA are passionate about this truth! We aren’t shy about engaging our members when you can improve your movements…that’s what we’re here for!
What if I am only in town for a couple of days, can I still come to a class?
We love out of town Cross Fitters! For this reason, we don’t charge a “drop in” fee if you will only be around a couple of days. Beyond that, we have a 10-class punch card available, which is great for our college students that come home for the holidays!